Feb 9, 2019

Untitled II

hey man, come on in

can i get you anything? water? beer? a pabst perhaps?

sure thing. make yourself at home. we're just hanging out on in the great room

how was the drive brother? these mountain roads can get pretty rough

oh yeah i'm sure. luckily my pilot has all-wheel drive.

did you bring your suit? we were thinking of firing up the hot tub later

bummer. well you can borrow one of mine if you need

yeah i'm all settled in now. still have a couple boxes in the lodge room but that's it

hey man let me show you something actually, follow me

yeah i don't know why they put so many pillows on the bunk bed. it's ridiculous.

alright, back there. behind the table by the peloton.

the first interstate bank on spokane avenue. monday morning. nothing big, just cash from the registers. in and out in 2 minutes.

does it look like i'm kidding?

we need you to drive. you gotta to make a decision right now. what do you say?


total entries: 88

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