Jan 27, 2019



"how we doing tonight?"


"i'm deputy morris with the whitefish city police department, the reason i'm here is we got a complaint about the noise coming from this address"


"yes sir"


"you got a party going on?"

"just a couple of friends sir"

"alright well we're gonna need to keep it down and hopefully we won't have to come back again tonight"


"you got a license so i can document i spoke with you?"

"yeah. you wanna step inside for a second"

"i appreciate it, thank you"

"colder than a son of a whore out there"

"no kidding"

"i think my wallet's in the kitchen, come with me"

"heck of a place you got here"

"sure is"

"you the owner of this house?"

"i am sir"

"is that a Delta Pivotal Touch faucet?"

"sure is"

"Shield Spray technology?"

"afraid not sir"

"that's a shame"

"a damn shame. you want to try it out? go ahead"

the deputy reaches out to tap the faucet with his right hand. his guard let down, i sense my opportunity and lunge for his firearm


total entries: 62

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