Jan 5, 2019

The Dream

I had the dream again. I awake in the center of my rustic toned bed, entombed in pillows. Dust floats between the vaulted ceilings, illuminated by the morning sunlight seeping in.

A voice appears behind me. “How’d you sleep?” I prop myself up with my elbow and turn over to my other side. Jonathan Scott lies supine next to me, scrolling through color palettes on his Samsung Galaxy. “What… what’s happening” I murmur, still trying to emerge from the haze of sleep.

The french doors swing open and and Drew Scott strolls in carrying a steaming cup of black tea. He stops at hte foot of the bed. “Oh, you’re up,” he says over the hum of the Scandinavian style cedar hot tub. He adjusts the string of his bathrobe with his free hand. "I’ve prepared a wonderful spinach and cheddar quiche downstairs in the kitchen."


total entries: 18

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