Jan 18, 2019

Who Is The Dog?

who is the dog?

what is the dog's name?

does he/she come with the house?

is the dream home 'pet friendly'?

do i need to worry about him/her running away?

should the dream home include a fenced in yard?

is the dog a bandit? (via the bandana)

will the dog wear one of the cowboy hats?

should i let dogs on my furniture in the dream home?

has he/she eaten from the dog bowls included with the home?

can he/she fit through the doggie door or is he/she 'too big'?

has brian patrick flynn ever pet him/her?

is this dog a 'retriever'?

does he/she want to play fetch and go swimming in whitefish lake?

is his/her bark 'worse than his/her bite'?


total entries: 44

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